Olrac Odelot
Las time we compared friendster and facebook based on their homepage, account page and messages. Now let's compare the process of uploading photos.

In friendster, you can easily see the "upload photo" button on the account page. Whereas, in facebook, you have to go first in the "profile" tab then "photo tab" and click any photo folder and then you can see the a small "add more photo" link. :) Base on this, friendster offers an easy to find "uploading photo" link :)

Friendster "upload pictures" link

Facebook "add more photos" link

Both uses java to upload pictures but I think friendster has the easiest way to upload pictures using java. Because it's more of just browsing pictures. Whereas facebook offers a more noble ways of uploading picture. it's kinda like "exploring" your computer and checking what you like to upload. However, I experience more errors in using java i uploading my pictures in facebook than in friendster.

Facebook Java Photo Uploader

Friendster Java Photo Uploader

Both offer an HTML uploader if you have trouble using java but the difference is you can upload 10 pictures at a time in friendster compare to facebook which you can only upload 5 pictures at a time. :)

Facebook HTML Uploader

Friendster HTML Uploader

Base of the speed in uploading pictures, I think facebook is faster.

Overall. Friendster is much better in uploading picture though its a bit slower than facebook and it also has limited number of pictures you can upload. :)
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