Olrac Odelot
A lot of Filipinos now are hook between facebook and friendster. This two are the most famous social networks nowadays in the Philippines. Both of them made the Filipino, especially the young ones, to let the cyberworld be part of their lives. :) I have known friendster since I was in college. It has been famous since then. I think, almost all of the students in our class had friendster account. Whereas, facebook, has just been famous nowadays. Some people still are adjusting to the new facebook like my supervisor. :) She even said that friendster is easier to use. :) In this blog, let's compare friendster and facebook. Which do you think is really easier to use? :)

The Homepage

FaceBook Home Page

Friendster Home Page

Both websites have an easy to use log in part. Both of them uses email as a log in detail. They also have the "register" area for those netizens who are not yet signed in the said websites. They also have different language settings for those other countries who might not really at ease in using English. However, there are more languages offer by Facebook than Friendster, though you have to click the ">>" for extra languages. Another difference between the two websites is the search botton. Friendster has the search bottom for both the different accounts in the site and you can also changed that to search the web. You cannot easily find it in the homepage of facebook because it's located on the lower part of the homepage. You can also have a glance of the different blogs in Facebook through its homepage unlike friendster. You can also find the help and advertising button in both website. However, career button is only present in facebook which offer jobs in facebook.

In this part, facebook wins because they offer more things in there home page though I will give credit to friendster for making the "search" button more convenient and accessible to its users.

The Account Page

Facebook Account Page

Friendster Account Page

Both websites offer a notification area. However, as you can see, Friendster has an easy-to-find notification area. Whereas, facebook only has some notification on different requests unlike friendster which offer more than that like messages, bulletins and others. One thing that friendster doesn't have is the suggestion part which is below the request notification area in facebook. Both sites offer current network activities. Though in facebook, it's on the right side which you might not be interested to read unlike in friendster, which is easily seen. However, facebook, also offers the "wall" part which shows the current status of your friends, which is a nice addition. One good thing about friendster is the "tool" which is not present in the account page in facebook. You can easily edit whatever part of your page just by clicking the tools in the "my tools" part. :) Another thing that is really good about friendster is the "who view me" link. It shows the different people who viewed your account which I think not offer by most social network sites. :) Moreover, facebook doesn't offer an easy access to the list of your friends, unlike friendster which doesn't just give easy access but also to your 6 featured friends. :)

On this area, Friendster wins, though facebook has a better design. It's kinda like more professional looking than friendster. :)


Friendster's Inbox

Friendster's Sample Message

Facebook's Inbox

Facebook's sample Message

In terms of messaging, facebook is better. Messages are segregated according to the sender which is good because you will not have difficulties retrieving old messages if you suddenly forget the last message the sender sent you.

Only the homepage, account page and inbox are compared in this blog. More evaluation will be made as soon as possible
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