Olrac Odelot
Last friday, I had lunch in Tropical Hut with my friend, Bheng. At first, I didn't know what to order but afterwards, I decided to have there classic burger and spaghetti. The classic burger was nice. It's big and there's a lot of ingredients inside unlike other burger, though it will cost you 110 pesos a meal which include a drink and fries. It was really nice with hot sause but not with ketchup, maybe because their ketchup was so sour which I don't like. I think it would be better if they'll have a spicy version of these burger so putting hot sauce would not be necessary. :) The spaghetti, on the other hand, was not so good. It's sweet..so sweet maybe which I don't really like. But I think other Filipino would like it. They could have put more flavor to it and more ingredients because it looked like just tomato sauce. Overall, the burger was great but the spaghetti and keptchup were not so good. :)
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