Olrac Odelot
Yellow Cab in Mall of Asia

Last friday, I went to Yellow Cab with my baby in MOA. We ordered there New York's Finest and Spicy chicken wings. I really love Yellow Cab Pizza though a lot of people are saying that their pizza are so oily. The New York's Finest is a pizza with all your favorite toppings. It was so good that I wanted to take home some slices. :) I couldn't remember all the toppings on the top of it but all of them tasted really good. Putting hot sauce could also be a good idea to enjoy your New York Finest. On the hand, we have the Spicy Chicken Wings. It was really affordable. For just 90 pesos, you could get 4 big pieces of chicken wings. In term of its taste, it wasn't that different from other chicken but you can still enjoy it even when it's not already hot. :)
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